Treat yourself to a holiday gift this year! Carve out some dedicated time for you to declutter whatever is bugging you the most!
I'm now offering Virtual 1-hour Group Decluttering sessions for support and accountability Toss your procrastination habit to the curb and spend this concentrated hour decluttering the project of your choice!
Most people don't declutter because:
- they don't schedule time on their calendars to do it
- they don't set decluttering goals
- they are not being held accountable by anyone to do it
- they procrastinate
The purpose of these sessions is for you to:
- carve out time on your busy schedule to declutter
- set a realistic and achievable goal
- be accountable to yourself and others by announcing your decluttering goal at the beginning of the 1 hour session
- briefly summarize your progress at the end of each session.
Date/Time: Saturday, November 30; 2:00pm Eastern
Duration: Session includes brief introductions/announcements, decluttering t1p of the day, & 1 FULL hour to declutter
Audience: Group session (NOT a private 1-on-1 session)
Goal: This time and space is for you to stop procrastinating and to do some hands-on decluttering
Instructional? No but Brenda Tringali, Certified Professional Organizer® is available for questions
Small print: No refunds
Platform: Zoom
Cost: Only $25.00 (My holiday gift to you!)
Investment: Priceless!
Details: Once you register, you'll receive an email from me with Zoom logon info
- Initial 5+/- minutes: Introductions/Tip of the Day/Each person announces what they plan to declutter during the session
- 1 hour: With all attendees on mute, spend this time finally making progress on your decluttering goal
- Got questions? Go into a private Zoom breakout room with Brenda Tringali, CPO®, to get expert advice
- Final 5+/- minutes: A final check-in at the end of the hour to announce/celebrate your accomplishment(s)