At Your Fingertips Organizing

At Your Fingertips Organizing
Downsizing. Productivity. Speaker.

Hurricane Season is the Perfect Time to Prepare for ANY Emergency

The official hurricane season for the Atlantic basin is June 1 to November 30, but activity can sometimes occur before and after these dates. According to experts at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2024 could bring a record-setting number of storms and landfalls to the Southeast and Gulf coasts. Specifically, they predict an […]

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Protect your Legacy

You’ve worked hard to get where you are today, right? I’m not saying that you have to live in a million-dollar home for that statement to be true. What I mean is that in your home, you probably have things you take for granted— loved ones (including pets), treasured photos, memorabilia, etc. Though some things […]

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Emergency Preparedness: Fun Resources for Kids!

September is Emergency Preparedness Month.   This is such a critical topic that I focus on it more than once per year.  For my research, I went to the experts at to refresh my memory on the essentials.  The site makes it so easy to get prepared by breaking it down into weekly themes/actionable […]

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Emergency Preparedness: The Time To Plan is NOW!

If you had told me pre-COVID-19, that a pandemic was coming, I would not have believed you. It’s the stuff that movies are made of.  Yet here we are in June 2020 … some of us still practicing social isolation, wearing face masks, etc. after 3 months. I’ve blogged about emergency preparedness before but it’s something […]

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