At Your Fingertips Organizing


50 Mistakes People Make When Organizing

  If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, don’t despair. You’re not alone. Before they called me,  I estimate that 95% of my clients have tried to organize certain areas of their lives, but they failed. Most of the time, it’s not because something is wrong with them. In my humble opinion, it’s […]

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12 Benefits of Purging Paperwork

When you look at your paperwork filing system, how does it make you feel? If the first words that immediately come to mind are similar to euphoric, thrilled, and/or over-the-moon, congrats! I’m so happy for you because few people can say that. However, if the adjectives that immediately come to mind are similar to disgusted, […]

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26 Tips to Get & Stay Organized

Do you know what question I’m asked a lot— “What are your favorite tips to GET and STAY organized”? When asked, I could go on and on for hours. But obviously the person who posed the question doesn’t want to hear me ramble on about a topic I’m so passionate (and neurotic) about. So I […]

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Me vs. my Fear of Failure—Who Won?

A few days ago I shared with a client that I recently sat for and passed the CPO® (Certified Professional Organizer) exam. Her response? “I guess that means you can charge more money.” Quite honestly, that took my breath away and I was speechless for a minute or two—which rarely happens to me. When I […]

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