At Your Fingertips Organizing

At Your Fingertips Organizing
Downsizing. Productivity. Speaker.


Give Green Holiday Gifts

NOTE: This is a recycled version of one of my previously posted blogs. When you’re trying to declutter your life, the holiday season can be challenging.  It’s so easy for people to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of commercialism, shopping and sales.  But use this holiday as an opportunity to take a […]

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Holiday Prep: The 1 Thing you Must Do FIRST!

This blog is probably different from most Thanksgiving/Holiday blogs you’ll see from now until the December holidays. Why? Because it doesn’t contain recipes, a meal planning checklist, or even centerpiece ideas. Instead, I’m focusing on what you should do before all that! It’s about what you need to do to your refrigerator, freezer, and food […]

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Protect your Legacy

You’ve worked hard to get where you are today, right? I’m not saying that you have to live in a million-dollar home for that statement to be true. What I mean is that in your home, you probably have things you take for granted— loved ones (including pets), treasured photos, memorabilia, etc. Though some things […]

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My 5 Day Challenge: How to Start & Finish ANY Project!

Do you have a list of unfinished projects you want to complete? If so, are there some that:  have been on there for years? you never started? you started but never finished? If your answer is “yes” to any of these, you need to read this blog AND sign up for my 5-Day Challenge: “Start […]

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