At Your Fingertips Organizing

At Your Fingertips Organizing
Downsizing. Productivity. Speaker.
Silly Me!  I’ve been a Professional Organizer for several years now and until now, my marketing has been micro-focused… addressing topics that are near and dear to my heart.   But since moving to Myrtle Beach last year and talking with current/potential clients, I’ve learned something very important…  something I took for granted.  Many people don’t know what a Professional Organizer does.  When they hear the term, they immediately think of the tv show “Hoarders” and think I only work with people who suffer from the extreme, compulsive hoarding disorder.  This cannot be further from the truth.  

So this month seems like the perfect time to address this very question.  It’s the beginning of a new season and of a new school year when people have a renewed interest in learning and education.  And since there are various directions in which a Professional Organizer can specialize, I will address just a few of the key areas in which I help my clients.

According to NAPO (National Association of Organzing and Productivity professionals), there are 2 main categories: Professional Organizer and Productivity Consultant.  NAPO defines them as follows: 

  • A Professional Organizer supports evaluation, decision-making, and action around objects, space, and data; helping clients achieve desired outcomes regarding function, order, and clarity. 
  • A Productivity Consultant supports evaluation, decision-making, and action around time, energy, and resources; helping clients achieve desired outcomes regarding goals, effectiveness, and priorities.

Based on my skills and passions, I’m a combination of the two. 
Who is a typical client?  Only a small percentage of my clients have no organizing systems in place when they hire me. The reason they hire me because they are too busy, too tired, too overwhelmed or too confused to do it on their own. They’re very smart people. They want/need a jump start to get from their current situation in order to achieve their goal(s) and are not afraid to ask for help.  They understand that this is an investment which will help them make long-term improvements in the quality of their life and help them transition from being overwhelmed to empowered.  Did I say they were smart?  I take it back… they’re brilliant!

  • In the home, I help people declutter their possessions, space, paperwork.  Some hire me because it’s related to a move… whether upcoming, recent or several years old. Others hire me as a gift for their loved ones. They don’t want to burden their partners, children, extended family members or friends with the burden of decluttering their stuff not IF, but WHEN they pass. 
  • In the workplace, I help clients become more productive by clarifying their goals, eliminating excess distractions, scanning/digitizing paperwork they can access no matter where they, documenting processes, etc.  And with an added benefit of 30 years of Human Resources (HR)  experience, I can help with HR projects if the client desires.
  • For life in general, I  help people with Time management, Task management, Calendar management, follow-through, etc.  The list goes on and on…

I will go into additionat detail in future blogs but hopefully this answered a few questions you may have had.

“You can’t reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterdays junk”  – Louise Smith